INFO: Mechanical Weed Management

INFO: Mechanical Weed Management
August Budget Meeting - August 18 2021
1st ANNUAL MEETING – September 9, 2021
POA Board Meeting -- September 22, 2021
2nd Annual Meeting -- Sunday, October 10, 2021
Petition: INFO: Mechanical Weed Management
*** If you agree with this and would like to join in to help show support in getting these devices please do any and all of the following:
Please sign the (information / petition page) link here:
Please provide your contact at our email: budgetmotions@outlook.com
Let us know via email tel etc if you are able to attend in person any of the meetings listed on top of this page or any way else you can participate.
We would like you to sign this petition assist with INFO: Mechanical Weed Management by supporting this community effort to request appropriate funding for the issue stated below requesting to use money from both the Capital Improvement & Sinking Fund which currently hold appx $844,000.00 which is designated to be used for any and all community repairs, improvements and expansions that the community deems necessary. This is done by presenting the question to the POA board this August so they can vote to allow it to be placed on the October 2021 ballot where the residents can then vote on the merits of the request and use these funds can then be used to resolve the issue without raising this year or any future year's dues total.
Note, requesting this question on the ballot does not do anything but allow the question to go to the public this October. It does not authorize any project to be done at this time. Only If a 2/3rds majority of the community votes yes, then the request passes and we can utilize the funds for the project outlined below. We appreciate your support.
Motion to obtain POA Board approval for the following ballot question and explanation to be put to the community at the second annual meeting:
Capital Question:
Question: Should the WML POA spend up to $99K to purchase mechanical weed/vegetation equipment to remove weeds, surface algae and lake bottom muck etc. from our lake for the purpose of being more proactive in the immediate aesthetics of our lake water visually while long term making our lake less weedy and more healthy and more usable / functional. Monies to cover this project would come from the Capital Improvement ($50K) and Sinking Fund ($49K).
Our lake is becoming more and more weedy and it is time we invest in alternative chemical solutions like mechanized weed extraction and algae muck removal from both the surface and lake bottom. This could also help in reducing the need for us to continue to purchase chemicals that are becoming more and more expensive annually. Investing in mechanized weed extraction going forward is necessary to proactively break our chemical dependency on chemical weed management. The past practices and the explanations we are always being told by our Lake Management Companies like: “it’s a delicate chemical balance, We can only treat so much, The more we treat the more that grows because of our shallow lake etc ” It seems to be time to break this cycle and invest in mechanized weed management to ensure our lakes future health. In doing so we can create real time benefits with immediate visual lake water quality and reduce future weed and algae growth. Our recent community volunteer effort “The great lake algae cleanout of July of 2021” where appx 40+ residents volunteered their time to build/create algae removal devices and processes, actually went into the lake water, lined up on docks, shores, beaches even using their own boats (on the 4th of July holiday weekend no less) came out to physically scoop that green floating algae from the lake’s surface into buckets etc. preventing all that bio matter from sinking to the bottom and encouraging more and more weed growth. This effort was outstanding to say the least, and it quite obviously proved the true community concern for this algae material and showed their desire to have it removed to enhance everyone’s lake experience. This event showed community concern for being more proactive in reducing / eliminating algae, weeds etc immediately so that our lake could be healthier and more usable.
This topic has been discussed more intensely since 2020. Many volunteers within the Lake Committee have been volunteering their time researching specific mechanical machines that would best suit our lake needs. Much research has and still is being done as also much has been learned and clarified as to what goals we want to achieve when cleaning our lake. Efforts like this have been done in the past but we are now more focused and determined now to achieve our goals in a timely manner. We are confident we will pick the best machine(s) that achieve these goals. The Lake Committee and subcommittee have done research and feel we should make a move to invest in mechanized weed management tools going forward and the investment is more than worth it and quite possibly can even pay for itself by possibly purchasing less chemicals going forward. This proactive weed management will add immediate value to homeowners, accommodate our growing lake usage demand and make our lake more visually appealing and more functional while quite realistically using and paying for less and less chemicals going forward.
The money in these two funds has been accumulated over the years specifically for projects such as this. Spending funds on this project will not increase dues. A 2/3 majority is required for this question to be approved. ( we need a second from the board right here) Using these fund in this way will NOT increase dues in any way. This is the advantage over placing these costs into committee budget lines as that most likely will raise dues.
*** If you agree with this and would like to join in to help show support in getting these devices please do any and all of the following:
Please sign the (information / petition page) link here:
Please provide your contact at our email: budgetmotions@outlook.com
Let us know via email tel etc if you are able to attend in person any of the meetings listed on top of this page or any way else you can participate.
We will present this motion(s) first at the August 18th 2021 POA Budget Meeting, then onto the 1st Annual Meeting Sept 9th 2021 & the 2nd Annual Meeting Oct 10th @ 9am where we all come out to finally to vote on these ballot question(s)
Princeton links: This says it all: