University of Birmingham Parking - UOB Needs to LISTEN!
A petition launched late last year gained over 1,000 signatures calling for the University of Birmingham to improve the car parking situation for staff and students ( The petition pointed out that:
- Staff and students arriving after around 8.30 found it impossible to find car parking - meaning lectures, seminars, and duties on campus were being missed.
- Additionally, the roads around the University became increasingly congested with staff and students who had no other option but to seek parking elsewhere.
- Car parking spaces had been drastically reduced with the launch of the Green Heart and as such, staff and students were unable to park throughout the day (ESPECIALLY those who have children or caring duties, meaning they cannot arrive before 8.30 and therefore can never find a space).
The individuals who signed the petition pointed out the lengthly amounts of time it could take to find a parking space, how this experience was highly stressful.
Our voices have clearly not been heard. A recent sign emerged on the ground floor of North East Car Park at the beginning of this academic year, stating that the ground floor was now reserved EXCLUSIVELY for hotel guests, meaning the parking situation has now dramatically worsened, without the University dong anything to help the problem. Sign this petition now to show the University that the problem is not going unnoticed.
(If adding a comment with your signature, please state whether or not you would feel comfortable having your comments publicly shared, and whether or not you would like this done anonymously).