Marching Band for PE Credit in Hayward Unified District

Dear Mt Eden Marching Band and Color Guard supporters,
We are in need of your help. We have been working to convince our district to allow our Marching Band and Colorguard students be allowed to receive PE credit. Mr. Cato has even gone and earned a PE credential but still no luck. This will benefit all the high school students in the district that participate in these wonderful programs and reward their physical efforts with school credit. Please sign the petition to tell the district you believe in providing our students PE credit for their participation in Marching Band and Color Guard.
Thank You,
Roberta King
Booster President
Petition to Allow PE credit for High School Marching Band in Hayward Unified
We, citizens of Hayward, petition to allow PE credit to be given for High School Marching Band. The Marching Band programs meets the objectives and criteria of the district’s physical education program. Marching Band provides physical activity that is conducive to health and vigor of body and mind.
Families of Mt. Eden High School Marching Band program would like to recommend awarding PE credit for Marching Band effective this upcoming 2018/2019 and future school years. Many California school districts have already adopted this practice. Based on guidelines from other successful schools, we (suggest) propose the following:
- Students required to take 9th grade PE and pass fitness test prior to alternate (Marching band) PE credits being allowed.
- Students granted alternate PE credit per semester for each approved class:
- 2 years of Fall Marching Band
- Physical Education and Marching Band PE cannot be taken concurrently.
- Marching Band Students must participate the entire season and complete in good standing. At the completion of the season, the Band Director will recommend students to receive PE exemption.
Marching Band class, in addition to being physically demanding, teaches lifelong love of physical activity and wellness. Proper hydration and stretching are required. Marching Band provides an environment for successful participation in group activities and teaches life skills such as leadership, group communication and time management; all of which are part of Course 2 PE standards. (http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/pestandards.pdf)
Sophomores and upperclassmen have many academic demands. In order for a Marching Band student to fit PE in their schedule the student must either give up other academic, elective, AP classes or take summer college class to earn credit.
Granting PE credits for marching band is permitted by the California Educational code. The CA educational code allows each school district to make the decision regarding Marching Band to count towards PE credit. Additionally, CA educational code allows a credentialed teacher, such as a music teacher who is on paid staff to teach marching band to be a suitable substitute for a PE teacher because they have been credentialed in their area of expertise. (http://www.cde.ca.gov/pd/ca/pe/physeducfaqs.asp)
Please help us in our support for allowing PE credits to be given to Marching Band students by signing the following petition. Thank you