Luos, Secession Or Death
Warwaki, riwri gi Onagi weteni, we are seceding from Kenya
Why Are Luos Petitioning The High Court, Parliament & IEBC To Hold Secession Referendum?
Kenya has been unkind to Luos,
Politically, Luos have been abused, insulted, profiled, tortured and killed by the state,
Economically, Luo sugar, coffee, tea, cotton and fish industries have been killed by the state,
Socially, Luos are mere consumers, a market for Kenya's milk, eggs, bread, chicken, fuel, banking, maize, with poor roads, hospitals, schools, and housing.
We, Luos, are now petitioning for referendum to LEAVE Kenya.
We need 500,000 signatures, that is, 25% of the Luo voters. Sign here:
Petition Luos, Secession Or Death (
By signing this petition, I appoint Ojijo to represent me, a Luo, in petitioning the courts of Kenya, international courts, UN, AU, and other supra national organizations for Luo Secession.
Contribute towards the cause by donating to the Petition Coordination Committee a ream of papers, printer, chairs, office space in Kisumu, cartridge, airtime, data, fuel, vehicle, anything you can.
Join various sub committees to help contribute to policy documents of the new Luo Republic.