BMK residents Against Reducing Ski Area in Sunset Lagoon
On October 15th, 2020, the Bel Marin Keys CSD voted to approve the shortening of the ski area in Sunset Lagoon. This vote was a very disappointing display of overreach by our CSD based on a few complaints from neighbors. The CSD did not do any broad outreach or notification to the community. The decision was not based on safety (as purported) and will actually make operating watercraft in Sunset Lagoon less safe. The turn radius is now smack dab in the middle of the thruway of the lagoons. The decision did not take into account the potential legal implications for the CSD and thus the residents of BMK. Every community member who spoke at the meeting last night opposed the CSD moving forward with the vote but three members on the CSD ignored those residents and proceeded forward anyway.
Whether you agree with the vote or not, it should concern all of us that our CSD was willing to push a major change like this through without first understanding the safety and legal implications and engaging us as residents. Even if you may agree with this decision, will you agree with the next one? Will you even know about the next one?
I’m asking all residents to please sign the following petition opposing the CSD’s decision and asking that the Board modify its process for getting resident involvement in decisions like this one.
If you’re a homeowner on the Blvd, Bahama Reef, or Del Oro, this change will impact you greatly. Shortening the ski area means more traffic, more turns, more wake, and increased risk. The CSD is trying to fix something that isn’t broken. Its hard to see how the long-term plan isn’t about eliminating skiing in Sunset Lagoon all together. And that should worry us all from a lifestyle and property value standpoint. That is a major reason why people relocate to our beautiful fun neighborhood. It’s certainly why I brought my family here.
Thank you for you consideration.