stop the abuse and drama on zonebbs.com
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

people have signed. Add your voice!

As members of the Zone BBS community may be aware, there have been recent problems with gangs and abuse/harassment towards other members. The abusive nature of the site has been around ever since the day it was created, but now it's getting out of control; it needs to stop! So sign this petition if: * You want to end the abuse/harassment of other zone bbs members. * Encourage the admins to change the TOS to stamp out abuse. * Encourage the staff to take better action when dealing with abusive members. * You want the abusive members banned on a permanent basis. * Bring the Zone BBS back to a proper community and end the drama once and for all.
This petition is for any Zone BBS users who are fed up of the amount of abuse and drama on the Zone BBS.
http://www.zonebbs.com (This is the site at the centre of this petition).
http://www.blind-planet.com (an alternative site to the Zone BBS for members to check out while the problems are being dealt with on the Zone BBS).
http://www.blinknation.com (another alternative site)
http://www.blinkchat.org.uk (yet another alternative site, though this is also the site that I Co-Admin).