Regime Change in Zimbabwe

We are deeply concerned about the situation in Zimbabwe. As I am sure you areaware we along with others are repeatedly raised the dangers of letting Mugabe win in a fixed Presidential election. As it turned out the elections were neither free nor fair. Mr Mugabe\'s continued leadership not only threatens those who oppose him, but everyone in the country that has fallen foul of his dangerous incompetence. Last year, thanks to John Howard, the Prime Minister of Australia, the Commonwealth Troika agreed to suspend Zimbabwe from its membership of the Commonwealth. We have also argued along with many others that the Government should have put pressure on the EU to take a tougher line. Belatedly the EU has imposed targeted sanctions and travel bans on Mugabe\'s henchmen. Although we believe that this should go further and cover businessmen who bankroll Mugabe. We were deeply concerned about France\'s invitation to Mugabe to attend the Franco-African Summit. WE are urging the Government form an international coalition, to bring about a re-run of the Presidential election, independently monitored and on an openly free and fair basis. It is regrettable that the Prime Minister failed to use the Earth summit to condemn Mugabe publicly and convince Zimbabwe\'s neighbours that it is in their interests, and the interests of African Development, to end his dictatorship. Economic collapse and humanitarian disaster do not discriminate between black or white Zimbabweans, they do not respect national boundaries. Regeime change as in places like Iraq is the only solution to Zimbabwe humanitarian Crises. Everyone in the region suffers. It is no use the Government wringing its hands. It has delayed too long in the past, it must now act swiftly to address the humanitarian crisis and help facilitate a regional solution.