Let Liberal Senator Bill Heffernan know that we want his support on 0.5% for Foreign Aid
Inside news has informed us that the Coalition may be dropping their promise to hold bipartisan support towards increasing Overseas Development Assistance. Even though 0.7% of Australia’s GNI by 2015 was promised, this was decreased to 0.5% in the last few years. This 0.5% is now in trouble. We need bipartisan support on this issue to keep the commitment strong from both parties. We believe that Foreign Aid as a commitment must not be deferred, as it has:
*reduced child mortality by 36%, which is approximately 4 million children.
* there are now 40 million children receiving education.
*1.8 BILLION people have gained access to an improved water source and an additional 1.3 billion have sanitation
As a Liberal Senator for New South Wales, Bill Heffernan holds much sway over these issues. We need him to understand that foreign aid is not detrimental to Australia, 'in fact, aid that is well targeted, evidence-based and aligned with a community’s needs is one of the most cost-effective and productive investments that wealthy countries can make.'
Every life is worth fighting for. Let's help remind Australia to do their part, just as they promised.
Source for statistics and quotation: World Vision Aid Effectiveness Report - (https://www.worldvision.com.au/Libraries/Reports/WVAReport_Effective_Aid_2011.sflb.ashx)
PETITION AGREEMENT: We, the undersigned, call upon Senator The Hon. Bill Heffernan to show his support for the bipartisan commitment of 0.5% of the GNI towards Overseas Development Assistance. As constituents of New South Wales, we want you to know that we fully support this rise in foreign aid, and expect the Liberal party to stay true to their promise.
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