Zach gets to see his boyfriend during school break!

okay so i really should've put this with my binder thing and i sound so stupid right now but yes i haven't seen my boyfriend since the last time we went to warped simply because of our distance of where we live:( i live in Tennessee and he lives in new jersey which breaks me because im unable to see him so please all you need to do is sign this petition no money/donations,no followers all i want is to spend time with my boyfriend over our long school break itll make me so happy to see his face and be able to spend a week with him before i have to wait again just to see him so just sign this petition and help me see him again:) i know petitions are probs dumb but with other peoples help it'll change my moms mind for sure!!! So thank you❤❤❤❤❤and this is my last petition because all i want for christmas is to see my boyfriend who prefers male pronouns thank you and a binder (a binder is a material that flattens the chest area to give a more male appearing chest, in case of of you didnt know)