Zacatecas Ciudadano en Huelga de Hambre

El C. Jorge Pérez Robles, mexicano y originario de la ciudad de Zacatecas en donde siempre ha residido inició este Martes 30 de Junio de 2009, la segunda huelga de hambre con motivo del incumplimiento de un convenio laboral tripartito firmado en 1992 por el trabajador, el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia y el Gobierno del Estado de Zacatecas. Decepcionado y cansado de haber acudido a todas las instancias y tribunales mexicanos, decide que la última y única opción es la huelga de hambre, para exigir tanto al Instituto Nacional de Antropología como al Gobierno Estatal el respeto absoluto a su convenio laboral. Jorge Pérez Robles had to quit his work for unjust reasons in 1992 (18 years ago), but during this period he was not given his pension illegally and so he protested to get his job back with a hunger strike given no option to support his family. At this time, after 15 days of not eating, the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (pat of a federal organization) agreed to give him his job back, but since they had no position open, a third party, the State government, and him signed a contract that he will be employed by the State temporarily with the INAH promising to give him his job back as soon as possible. What is more, every time if there is a shift in the party during re-election he has had to defend his contract doing petitions and strikes (2 times!) to continue his ´´temporary´´ work in a government owned museum. With the upcoming elections (July 5th), we are uncertain if the new political party will respect his contract, what is more during these 18 years the INAH has continued to ignore his original contract. Starting on Tuesday, June 30th, Jorge Pérez Robles has started yet another hunger strike, this time for total respect of his original contract with the INAH to get his old job back that was promised to him 18 years ago. At this point, both the state government and the federal parties have started to threaten him and there have been no promising negotiations that have occurred after nine days of starvation. Please help sign a petition in support of Mr. Jorge Pérez Robles in the web link (there is an optioin for anonymous signatures): http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/ZacatecasCiudadanoenHuelgadeHamb/ or send an e-mail in support to ciudadanoenhuelga@yahoo.com.mx