Change/Abolish Youtube Content ID System

The new YouTube Content ID system that is currently in place is unfairly flagging down videos on YouTube that include only small amounts of media that includes Video Game footage, movie trailers, music in movies and game footage, and many parody videos that are allowed to be used under the Fair Use Law. Because of this, the owners of the videos that are flagged and taken down is now denied the revenue that the owners of the video should rightfully be earning. It is, instead, given to companies that are abusing the YouTube Content System to take money that the owners should rightfully be earning. This affects many lives Because almost every big YouTube game reviewer/gamer relies on this revenue to pay their bills. Unfortunately, this is not the only problem with the Content ID system. Many companies who create video games are using this system to take down Game Review videos that highly criticize their games. This is not only morally wrong, but it also impedes on the Reviewer's right of free speech and freedom of the press. It also starts to create an unfair economy for other gaming companies. So please take just a moment of your time to sign this petition so that You tubers who rightfully create their own content can earn their revenue that they rightfully deserve.