International Youth for Peace in Iraq Resolution / Petition

We, youth of our nations, agree - The inherent rights of every human being are life, health, society, freedom, justice, solidarity, liberty, dignity, harmony and prosperity for all, as well as the right to grow in peace, surrounded by love without fear. We believe these rights of individuals should be considered first and foremost in all matters, therefore: We, youth of our nations, are taking action in support of the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World and UNESCO, Manifesto 2000, *Reference; article two, which states: Reject Violence - \"Practice active non-violence, rejecting violence in all its forms: physical, sexual, psychological, economical and social, in particular towards the most deprived and vulnerable such as children and adolescents\". For the sake of continued life, health, society and peace in Iraq - to avoid war, maintain and secure peaceful relationships now and for future generations and to increase peace in the hearts and minds of the \"People of Iraq\" and \"People\" of the international community we, the youth of our nations hereby respectfully petition, 1. President Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi Government to fully comply with United Nations Resolutions and relinquish all nuclear, biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction maintained in the Iraqi Military Arsenal, as well as those currently being manufactured to United Nations Weapons Inspectors for their immediate destruction. In the event of non-compliance with United Nations Resolutions, Security Council and Weapons Inspectors, we further respectfully petition the resignation of President Saddam Hussein. 2. President George W. Bush and the United States Government to Immediately cease and desist all military actions directed toward Iraq to allow the United Nations Weapons Inspectors to completely finish all assigned tasks under direction of the United Nations Security Council. We further respectfully petition that no declaration of war be initiated against Iraq unless said declaration complies with all conditions of the Constitution of the United States of America and United Nations Charter. 3. We further petition President, George W. Bush, Prime Minister, Tony Blair and Secretary-General, Kofi Annan to set the example for future peaceful relationships between the international community and Iraq by leading a campaign to lift Sanctions / Embargo\'s imposed upon the \"People of Iraq\" by any and all members of the international community, upon either complete compliance by the Iraqi Government with United Nations Resolutions, or the resignation of President Saddam Hussein. We, youth of our nations, stand in solidarity with the \"People of Iraq\" as well as with all non-violent efforts to ensure all men, women and children of Iraq regain and retain their inherent right to grow and live their lives in peace - surrounded by love without fear and hereby unite with our signatures. __________________________________________________ Those under 18 years of age should obtain parental permission before signing. The only required information from those under 21 years of age is first name, last initial, city, state and country. Signatures from \"Adults allies\" are welcomed and appreciated. Those over 21 years of age should enter the word \"Ally\" rather than their age.