You Failed the Residents
Following the events of the February 2010 snow storm, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and Public Safety Director Michael Huss have set forth on an investigation to establish who is to blame for the misdirection and poor response of Pittsburghs resources during the storm. Albeit, several events have been brought forth, many more are left to question. Both have accepted the responsibility of our Citys leaders: they continue to place blame on other factions but refuse to discuss their lack of involvement and responsibility, leaving Pittsburgh crippled and its residents in danger. It is our goal to have both Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and PSD Michael Huss' actions prior to, during and the weeks following the snow disaster investigated; their actions reprimanded to the utmost extent and/or removed from their positions. We, being concerned that the residents have suffered inequities far beyond what Mr. Ravenstahl and Mr. Huss are revealing, sign this petition in good faith that when presented to the proper authorities, this colossal failure will be rectified.