Fusion: Give Us Back Our Yoga Classes
Sue Lanier 0

Fusion: Give Us Back Our Yoga Classes

58 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Sue Lanier 0 Comments
58 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

This is a petition from Fusion members, and users of yoga classes at Fusion leisure centres in Southwark. This is to let the management know that we would like MORE CLASSES and more varieties of yoga at Peckham Pulse and Dulwich Leisure Centre to replace those which were lost due to the sudden closure of Camberwell Leisure Centre. Camberwell LC had more yoga classes than other Fusion centres and many people had been regular attenders there for years. For some people access to yoga classes has been a major part of their motivation for taking Fusion membership. We recognise that Camberwell had to close and welcome the improvements that are planned, but we also believe that, as a community leisure provider, Fusion should take steps to ensure that people are able to continue with their yoga classes at a convenient place and time, and not assume that the provision of other types of exercise class is a satisfactory alternative. Six yoga classes have been cancelled, including 3 Sivananda classes, 2 Astanga Classes, and one Kundalini Yoga class. This means that there is now only one evening yoga class in the area (Fridays at the Pulse) We would like the Fusion management to take this opportunity to restart the cancelled classes at either Peckham Pulse or East Dulwich. "In signing this petition I would like to add my voice to those of other public users of Fusion centres, I would like more yoga classes at convenient times and the transfer of the Camberwell classes to Peckham and East Dulwich." THANKS FOR SIGNING *** How this Petition Site works: you only need to give your name and email address and click on the 'Sign Petition' button below, you can ignore the next screen which is asking for a donation to iPetition, as soon as you click 'Sign Petition' it's done, you can then close the browser or go somewhere else. You can add a message in the comments field. This isn't essential but if you want to you could add the time and place at which you would like your yoga class to be scheduled and what type of yoga you want etc. Your email address is not visible to anyone else, you'll get an automatic message from iPetition thanking you for signing, you can just delete it. The petition will be sent to the Fusion management sometime next week. They won't see your email addresses either, but if they respond you will automatically receive a copy of their reply. We'll keep you up to date on developments. After the petition is delivered it will be deleted from the web. Please pass this on to your friends and help the Fusion management take our yoga classes a bit more seriously. Regards Sue


Fusion Yoga Users Group


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