YMCA Preschool Classroom

Recently the YMCA Board of Directors teamed with the Pike County Economic Development Task Force Committee in efforts to help the local citizens of Pike County who will soon lose their jobs at Mills Pride. A $50,000 Rapid Response Grant was issued by the governor to fund this Masco Trasition Center. The trasition center location will be taking the preschool children's classroom and force them to be cared for in the meeting rooms where there are no windows, there isn't a place for their belongings, nor is it safe. As for the children now are in the midst of the public who are coming and going throughout the facility as they please. The children will also be forced to use the public restrooms where anyone can have access to them. The YMCA website boast on the safety of the facility for preschoolers "our classrooms have been designed so that they can accommodate preschoolers through grade school. Our classrooms are equipped with restrooms exclusive for childcare use only for the convenience and safety of the studenst." The security of the preschool children has been put in jeopardy for unnecessary reasons; "they need the meeting rooms to be occupied with only mobile units so it can still be rented to the public". Isn't it easier to move a mobile computer station than it is to move 20 - 30 children and the equipment necessary to care for them? For the safety and well being of our children; we pray for the board to reconsider their decision and give the classroom back to the children by relocating the transition center in the meeting rooms.
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