Yes To Nuclear Disarmament
Alex Cannon 0

Yes To Nuclear Disarmament

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Alex Cannon 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The aim of this petition is to show the government that we, the people of the UK are opposed to the government's Trident Defence Scheme and are in favour of worldwide Nuclear Disarmament. The use of Nuclear weapons go against every moral and humane fibre of our existence and bring nothing but destruction and potential genocide. Use and possession of Nuclear weapons is illegal and it shows the world that so called 'civilised' nations that we feel we need to possess weapons of mass destruction to feel safe. Nuclear weapons do not proivde the world with security in face they threaten it. These weapons only create mistrust between nations and damage relationships and jepodarise global peace. During the Cold War, the threat of a Nuclear war was very much real as the USA and USSR competed to assert its authority in a Nuclear arms race. Now these two countries recognise their mistake and are beginning to disarm. Britain's stubborn refusal not do to so suggests to the world that we are backwards. Sign the petition and force the government to realise that the UK says no to Nuclear Weapons and no to Trident.

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