Yes to Sainsburys in Alsager

In Response to the NO Vote. This petition has been set up to give the people a choice to Vote YES if they should so wish to do so, and voice their opinions Proposed Developement of a Sainsbury's Store on the old Twyfords bathroom site in Alsager with access from Linley Lane A5011. Please keep any comments clean, profanity free and constructive. Please Join on FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/Yes2SainsburysAlsager TWITTER @YestoSainsburys Sainsburys page www.sainsburys-alsager.co.uk Please share with as many people as possible via Facebook,Twitter,Email or word of mouth. Repost and Share links to this Petition and get friends to do the same until this campaign gets a voice and the people of Alsager have their say. Thankyou ** Most important, for all the latest updates and news. ** ** Add me as a facebook friend 'YestoSainsburys Alsager' **