Justin Brown 0

Yes to diagonal parking in downtown Bristol, VA

70 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Justin Brown 0 Comments
70 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The city of Bristol, VA is working on adding over 100 parking spots (including much needed handicap parking) to downtown by changing some of the street parking from parallel parking to diagonal. This will be huge for businesses and residence's on BOTH sides of the state line and the growth of downtown. As most of us know, there are some parking issues downtown and adding this many spots could help combat that (in addition to business owners and residents to stop parking in prime locations). Giving clients, customers and residences more convenient and safer options while visiting or staying downtown.

The areas include: Goode st., Piedmont St (from Cumberland St to State St.), Cumberland St. (the east and south side of Cumberland Square Park), Country Music way, and Lee St.

The reason we have started this petition is a business on the 500 block of Bristol, VA trying to fight this step forward because they are not on board with the growth and expansion of downtown. As this change will close off their driveway to Lee st. that is only used by their employees, but will gain an additional 4 spots to their private lot (where towing is enforced 24/7 even when they closed) they still want to fight the much needed change to downtown. This business does not participate in any downtown events or help contribute to the growth of downtown. Their opposition shows that.

By signing the petition, you are helping to tell the leaders of Bristol, VA that this is a step in the right direction and can tremendously help our local businesses and the growth of our historic downtown.

Thank you.

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