Yes to a Birmingham Young Mayor
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We believe that young people in Birmingham need a voice. And we believe that a Young Mayor is the way to give it to them.
With your help we hope to build up enough support to get the council to take notice and create a properly supported Young Mayor system in Birmingham. Every signature really does count.
What is a Young Mayor?
Young Mayors are generally aged between 13 and 17. They are elected by fellow young people with voting and campaigning mainly done through schools and online. They work with the council and (in areas where they have them) elected mayors to offer a youth perspective on local policy. In many areas they have their own budget and a council of other elected young people to help them achieve their aims.
The exact nature of a Young Mayor’s role differs from area to area, but for more information check out:
Why is it important?
Birmingham is Europe’s youngest city. One third of the population is under 25. This means that it’s a city with an incredible amount of potential, but it also means that it has been disproportionately affected by issues such as youth unemployment.
It also means that tackling “youth issues” is incredibly important. At present 40% of Birmingham pupils leave school without five decent GCSEs, over 1 in 10 18-25 year olds in the city are claiming job seekers allowance and if current trends in youth unemployment continue it could end up costing Birmingham a predicted £625million over the next 10 years.
In the August 2011 riots we saw what can happen when youth discontent boils over into wide spread crime and violence.
All too often policy creation surrounding “youth issues” occurs without consulting the young people the initiatives are aimed at. A Young Mayor bridges the divide, gives young people a say in the policies aimed at them and provides a figurehead that young people can relate to.
For more information on why we feel Birmingham needs a Young Mayor check out: