Dominic Young 0

Yellow lines on Westover Road/Hubert Way

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Dominic Young 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We all know how difficult it is to park nowadays, especially if you live on a main road without off street parking.
Well, now its just got harder for us living in the vicinity of the junction Westover Road/Hubert way.
The council have just painted 15 Metres of yellow lines each way on the junction (30 metres total) to prevent parking too close to the junction itself.
The law stipulates vehicles have to park at least 10 Metres away from a junction. Meaning an extra 5 Metres each way have been painted on (10 in total). This means at least 2 LARGE parking spaces, over the top, have been taken away from us. We all in the area will now be forced to park in adjacent roads, which is already an inconvenience for everyone involved.

Finding a parking space, Struggling to get your children in and out of the car, bringing shopping in, and any other reason to get too and from you vehicle, will now be much more of an inconvenience than ever!
Even selling your house may be effected by these lines, with potential buyers being discouraged by lack of parking in the area.
Everyone from Wetsover road, Hubert Way and Mayville Road are directly effected by this over exaggeration - so I urge you all to come together and sign this petition, to make a bid for the council to reconsider, and reduce the length of the lines.

I have already written to the council to complain. The reply can be found here (please copy and paste the link below to your browser):

Please note the section stating, that after 3 months, the lines will be reviewed depending on feedback received... Meaning we have a chance for the lines to be reduced!
So please please sign this petition to show your support, and help make things easier for us all to park in the area. It is in ALL of our best interests.

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