Sudesh R 0

Yayasan Petition - Public Prosecutor to continue Civil Suit

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Advocates & Solicitors

10-3, 3rd Mile Square,

151, 3rd Mile,

Old Klang Road

58100, Kuala Lumpur

Reference is made to Kuala Lumpur High Court Civil Suit No: WA-22NCVC-12-01/2017 (“the Civil Suit”) which was commenced to recover monies that were deposited into the bank account of Yayasan Usaha Ventures Malaysia (Malaysia Ventures Entrepreneur Foundation) [PPM-003-10-14082013] CIMB Bank Account No. 800795263 (“the CIMB Account”) pursuant to a scheme operated by Venus Financial Markets Ltd (“VenusFX”).

It has come to our knowledge that due to a seizure order dated 13-3-2017 made under Section 50(1) of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities, 2001 (“the Act”) the Civil Suit cannot continue unless the written consent of the Public Prosecutor is obtained. We are also aware that the Civil Suit is scheduled for case management on 18-4-2018.

We, as persons that deposited monies into the CIMB Account pursuant to the VenusFX Scheme, are making this appeal to you to urgently procure the written consent of the Public Prosecutor to continue with the Civil Suit as we are hopeful that we will be able to recover the monies that we deposited into the CIMB Account together with an account of profits and interest as soon as possible. As such, we urge you to contact the Public Prosecutor and explain the importance that permission be given to continue with the Civil Suit.

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