Yamaha MOXF Performance and Wave Editor not supported by Yamaha

Dear Yamaha MOXF owners, Have you noticed on the VSTi Editor it's Voice / Pattern / Song modes?? where is the PERFORMANCE mode??? Why did they leave that part out?? I think you'll agree the synth is a superb synth, Yamaha support the product in many ways such as voice libraries being released and a great VSTi Editor (so far) my frustrations are however that the support for our synth is not as good as we would like and most of us having to rely on purchasing expensive third party software to utilize a lot of the functions on the synth. It's not realistic for us to edit the synth using such a small screen for things such as, waveform voice creation from samples and especially creating performances and custom arpeggios. There seems to be a lack of support from Yamaha for this, we wish to make custom performances using software but yet we have to rely on thrid party software to do this which I think is very unfair and extremely time consuming with a lot of button presses to do so. If you support the petition to put to Yamaha to provide us with better software support for this synth, firstly for a decent performance editor, allowing to make custom patterns with custom arpeggios please sign this petition!!