Yale: Prod Baupost Group to Forgive Puerto Rico's Debt, or Divest

As Puerto Rico struggles to recover from a devastating hurricane that has compounded its fragile economy, the Baupost Group, owner of $911 million of Puerto Rico's debt is insistent in focusing on debt payment, rather than being principled about the humanitarian crisis that Puerto Ricans are facing. It is our understanding that Yale has links to Baupost Group, and that it's billionaire manager, Seth Klarman, has urged its investors --Yale among them-- to continue to push Puerto Rico for debt repayment. This was revealed on Oct 23, 2017, by the YDN https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2017/10/23/yale-linked-to-puerto-rico-creditor/
As Yale alumni, faculty, and concerned members of the Yale community, we want to ask Yale University to demonstrate its commitment to economic justice and human rights by either prodding Baupost Group to forgive Puerto Rico's debt or divest from this group.
For Puerto Rico to be able to recover and rebuild, the country will have to invest on its educational, health, housing, energy, and food production, as well as other basic human services. This would only be possible if groups like Baupost forgive the debt.