Create Xbox Live servers in Greece.
To Microsoft:;; Petition for Xbox Live support for Greece. Despite the fact that the Xbox360 has sold very well in Greece, Xbox Live is not officially supported for our country. This means that most users have had to create Xbox Live accounts in other countries such as the UK, The Netherlands, Germany etc. in order to be able to play online and access content otherwise unavailable to them. Furthermore, due to the fact that Xbox Live is not supported in Greece, stores do not sell point cards, which makes fully utilizing Xbox Live a big problem for everyone. We, the undersigned, therefore appeal to Microsoft to officially support Xbox Live in Greece by creating servers just like in most other EU countries. Furthermore we request that existing Greek users registered in other countries are allowed to migrate their profiles from other countries' servers to the local Xbox Live service. Finally, point cards should be made available to local stores so that users do not have to resort to importers and internet auctions that charge a price premium in order to sell Microsoft's products. Greek customers deserve the same level of service and support as gamers in the rest of the world and a move would not go unnoticed by the general public. Furthermore, since Sony has decided not to list Greece as one of its supported countries, it would give Microsoft an enormous advantage in terms of product attractiveness of the Xbox360 and Xbox Live. The Greek Xbox Live Community: