Wyckoff Road Sorority Project

Cayuga Heights Village Planning Board
936 Hanshaw Rd
Ithaca NY 14850 October 20, 2015
Dear Esteemed Board Members,
We, the undersigned, write to respectfully request that the Board "Disapprove" of the requested change of Certificate of Occupancy for 520 Wyckoff Rd (which would allow for a Sorority Residence) based on the following consensus that this is an inappropriate usage for the lot and the location.
We underscore this conclusion with the following points:
1. Significant quality of life, social, environmental and congestion impacts when Sisters of the 118 member Sorority use the site for informal social gatherings or meetings
2. Overcrowding for the land and the neighborhood
3. Irreversible change to the quality of life for nearby residents
4. Congestion and increased traffic flow with insufficient on-site parking
5. Potential for significant decrease in adjacent and nearby property values
6. Possible irretrievable disfiguring of Village historicity and character
7. Incongruent high traffic function of 12-15 Sorority residents in a predominantly residential area
8. Unavoidable burden of increased noise of daily activity exacerbated by the smaller lot size and proximity to neighbors
9. Increased evening and late night activity with projected increased traffic in a predominantly residential neighborhood
10. Possible costly infrastructure changes levied against the Village Tax Payers
We respect the stellar reputation of Sororities at large and appreciate their social and philanthropic ventures which add value back into the Community. However, we seek for the Board to vote against approval of this change, not based on the reputation of Sororities but based on the inappropriateness of usage of the lot and location of 520 Wyckoff Rd by a Sorority. Properly situated, we welcome a Sorority and embrace the opportunity to engage the next generation of Leaders in our midst.
As quoted from the Village Comprehensive Plan, which echoes the founding principles of the Village: "The overarching goal for the Planning Board in drafting this Comprehensive Plan has been to strike a proper balance between sustaining those factors that make today’s Village a desirable place to live and addressing proactively the short and long term changes that will inevitably arise ... [while we look to] preserve the natural, architectural, cultural, historic, and scenic resources that make the Village a distinctive community."
With that objective in mind, we look forward to working in a positive manner with Mayor Kate Supron, the Planning Board, Mr Brent Cross, Village Engineer and Zoning Officer, all Village Officials, and fellow Residents in an effort to continue to protect the serenity, safety and historic nature of Cayuga Heights.
Respectfully yours,
(See the Undersigned)