Stop funding Blizzard incompetence

I charge the enemy flag bearer in Warsong Gulch and knock down his health until he is almost dead. Once I kill him we\'ll win the battle and I will finally get that uber PvP weapon I have been working on for weeks. Just as I am about to press \'Execute\', the screen freezes. Then I see the ominous warning \"Disconnected from server\". By the time I get back on, we have lost the battle and I have to enter yet another WSG. Sound familiar Are you as frustrated as me Doesn\'t Blizzard\'s incompetence drive you crazy sometimes They receive somewhere around 120 million dollars a month (estimating each of their 8 million users pays $15) and somehow manage to have billions of problems every day. Can they not buy decent servers Why do they say servers will be down for 6 hours for maintenance when, in reality, they\'re down for most of the day Can they not hire sufficient technicians to keep up their servers Why does it take months for known game issue to get fixed Why do GM\'s send automated responses of \"We know that\'s an issue and we are working hard[ly] to fix it\" If they know it\'s an issue why haven\'t they fixed it already The most recent example of their incompetence is the Burning Crusade Expansion. They\'ve know when it would come out for months. They\'ve had all that time to prepare, but right now my server is crashing every five minutes. They don\'t even have the Outland and the other starting areas open now. However, the most important question is why are we, the gamers, supporting such blatant incompetence WoW is very addicting, I can testify to that, but why are we supporting the people who can\'t even deal out our \"crack\" right That makes us more pitiful than druggies; they at least have skilled dealers. I purpose that everyone who signs this immediately cancel their account\'s subscription and stop playing. I know this may sound impossible, but every WoW gamer is capable of doing this. Let\'s show Blizzard our displeasure by boycott. Their player base is their lifeblood. Let\'s cut that off until they lower our monthly rate. Let\' show them that they need to care for their player base, not ignore us.