Protect Woodlawn
Lance Felker 0

Protect Woodlawn

77 signers. Add your name now!
Lance Felker 0 Comments
77 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Background: The Woodlawn HOA worked with the city in 2011 to establish a green space and buffer from nuisance development by the neighborhood. The buffer is currently threatened through rezoning, which would allow high traffic and late night businesses as close as 200’ from the nearest home and directly across the street from a public park.

Action petitioned for: We, the undersigned, agree that the rezoning request for Case 2098 to Rezone 1.12 acres from (PB) Professional Business to (NB) Neighborhood Business is not proper pursuant to law and would negatively impact the value of our homes and living standards.

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