Woodland Village Neighborhood (Habitat for Humanity Planning)

*This can be edited to be a more thorough description with key points. But for now just getting it going in advance of Tuesday night.
March 8,2015
Attendees: ~30, Names
to be recorded at following meetings
Topic #1: Association
Building requirements have been consistently
reduced since 2010 with regard to house size.
- Questions for PC:
What is the justification for reducing the
minimum requirements?
How are the adjusted requirements determined?
How are the new requirements disseminated and
discussed with the current association members
Topic #2: Key Players in the Association and Council
- Jason King
o Ward 3 Blaine City Council Representative
Only member of City Council who is also a member
of the Planning Committee
- Pam Westlund
o CEO of Woodland Development
o Current Owner of Association
o https://www.linkedin.com/pub/pam-westlund/11/549/a30
o http://www.woodlandmn.com/
- Russ Herbst
o Ward 3 Blaine City Council Representative
o No known website
Topic #3: General neighborhood perception
- Concern over the ability of an “ideal” Habitat for Humanity candidate to afford and maintain a $350,000 home including, but not limited to mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, house and yard upkeep.
- General lack of knowledge around how the H4H homes will be handled if they do fall into disrepair of foreclosure.
- Misunderstanding of how/why many of the changes to the association and development have been implemented without providing the current members of the association the opportunity to review said changes prior to implementation.
- How do H4H homes “preserve the value of homes within the association”?
Plans and Steps:
- Generate and present viable options for these homes to the Planning Committee – Street Representatives
- Begin a call campaign to City Council, Metropolitan Council, State Representatives, etc. after Planning Committee meeting on 3/10. – Street Representatives
- Flyers to hand out to neighbors immediately – 118th Representatives
Neighborhood Representatives:
Dave Welna/Benn Horrisberger
Street Representatives:
Hupp: Julie Fischbach
118th: Dave Welna/ Benn Horrisberger
Jewel: Shawn and Kristi O’Keefe
Lever: TBD
119th: Kristina and Dan Hamski
121st: Craig and Angie McColloch