WomenCount PAC, Please Count Me Out!
The WomenCount PAC claims to represent \"the women of the nation\" -- see http://www.womencountpac.com/Site/about_us.html -- in support of Hillary Clinton. Please sign this petition to show your support for Barack Obama\'s candidacy, and to let the Democratic National Committee plus the mainstream media understand that WomenCount does NOT represent every American woman. Signing this petition acknowledges that you support Barack\'s positions on healthcare, veterans, the environment, the economy, foreign policy, the war in Iraq, and human rights. Please include your age (you can just indicate that you\'re \"over 18\") and zip code in the comment box. I\'ve given more info than that, but it\'s optional ... (e.g., female, US citizen, age 56, zip 96743) PLEASE NOTE: iPetitions.com may ask you for a donation after you submit your signature. This is not related to our petition in any way, and if I had known that iPetitions did this, I would have used a different free online petitions provider.