Rape,Abduction,and Killings of women must end now!

HAVE YOU HEARD WHAT IS HAPPENING TO WOMEN IN IRAQ • Raped women are being killed by their own families, to clear the “shame” being brought to their families’ “honour” due to the act of rape. • The perpetrators of these crimes are set free. • Islamic groups are taking revenge on each other by raping women. • Half of Iraqi society is now under daily attack! • Women cannot walk safely in the streets; they have been threatened by Islamic groups not to go to work or school unless they wear Hejab (Veil). • Women are being shot dead because of their professions. • Women who have entered prostitution are under the threat of being killed by the Islamists. This is just a drop of water in the ocean of the daily suffering of women in Iraq since they have been “liberated!” Women have no protection by the authorities, and even from their own families, because the most reactionary Islamic norms and values are being brought back into force in the society. To stop all these atrocities and crimes being committed against women, the Organization of Women’s Freedom and the Iraqi Women’s Rights Coalition, their newspapers (Equality, and Equal Rights Now!), and other activists are gathering to stop these violations of women’s rights. Let us fight together and end all these atrocities against women in Iraq that have been brought about for the sake of America’s New World Order! We call upon all women’s rights organizations, human rights organizations, Members of Parliament of the European countries, trade unions, political parties, and individuals to raise their voices against these barbaric attacks. To support us in our cause, please sign your name and address on the petition below. We, the undersigned, demand that Paul Bremer, Civil Administrator in Iraq, enforce security and protection for women. As head of the Occupying Forces, we hold him responsible for these crimes against women in Iraq.