Demand On Site Learning Options For Wisconsin Students

During COVID-19, Wisconsin tax paying families should have the option of allowing their children to attend school on site, just as much as online.
Don't settle for being told what is best for your child or your family!
By signing this petition, you are using your voice to say that families deserve to decide for themselves what is best.
Depression, domestic abuse, alcoholism, drug use and health related issues are all on the rise as families are unable to provide any sense of normalcy to their lives.
Now, having had 5 months of planning and preparation available to enable suitable options and security measures be put in place, our schools have failed to do just that. So families are left to deal with zero options except to endure another minimum of 3 months of online schooling.
As an example, many students aged 14-18 are able to work jobs every day while being exposed to thousands of people, including school faculty members and their families at stores, gas stations, restaurants, public bathrooms, etc. They have seen and engaged with their peers throughout the Summer break period. Yet schools, one of the most critical environments for a teenager (both academically and socially), are one of the only places still closed to them.
Children between the ages of 5-13 are in the most formative years of their lives and require social engagement and learning. Stifling their growth by shuttering up Kindergartens and grade schools throughout the state is detrimental not only from an educational aspect, but also in their ability to engage and learn social interactive skills badly needed in order to function properly within groups more diverse than just a simple family construct.
Sign this petition for the right to have your voice heard.
* This petition will be used to bring attention to school districts throughout the state that parents deserve the ability to choose how and where their children are taught.