Don Barkman 0

Wisconsin Ave. Safety

26 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Don Barkman 0 Comments
26 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The current design and condition of Wisconsin Avenue make it especially hazardous in wet and snowy weather.  As a user of Wisconsin Avenue, I request the City of Oak Ridge, TN make necessary changes to Wisconsin Avenue to improve its safety and general driving characteristics.


You may post a comment with your signing.  We suggest you include the street on which you live.  Please ignore any request this site generates for donations.


The Executive Board for the Westwood Homeowners'Association supports the petition for Westwood residents to request that the City of Oak Ridge make necessary changes to Wisconsin Avenue to improve its safety and general drivability.


Westwood Homeowners' Association


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