Winnipeg Crime
If you are one of the many who have been victimized by crime. You need to sign this petition. I have recently written an email starting a process where regular citizens can call on the governing bodies and demand a change. The change is to emphasize that the regular Winiipeg/Canadian citizen\'s rights need to be protected so we can live our lives feeling safe, raising our families, and going to work. The rights of the criminal should not take precedence over the law abiding citizen. Petty theft and violence is costing the average citizens thousands of dollars in lost income and collectively millions of dollars. Violent and sexual crimes are threatening everyones\' safety and generally causing citizens a sense of insecurity. How many times have we heard how criminals are being let off easy or not charged because of their age. We the people are demanding the cancellation of the Young Offenders Actforthwith. Young offenders must be tried according to the crime they commit. The guardians of these children must be held accountable and must repay the damages they cause. If these damages cannot be repaid, they will follow the individual until they are. These individuals who do not pay their damages will have wages garnished and be excluded from certain previledges like, drivers licences and certain government jobs. This is the only way they will realize how much damage they actually causing. Along with this must comes incarciration that fits the crime. Violent and sexual crimes must be dealt with severely with manditory jail time and compensation to the families. Elected judges. Judges who live in a bottle, do not deal with the issues, and keep letting the criminals go. Should be elected out of their positions. In this manner, only a judge who does their job, the way the citizens want them to, will continue to keep their position. I will carry your list of names to all levels of government to make sure our voice is heard collectively. Please sign and pass it on and tell a few friends. Thank You for your support.