Winganon Boat Ramp Road Needs Repairs NS 4180 RD

If you are one of the many fishermen/fisherwomen that would like to see the potholes repaired & the overgrown tree limbs cut back to protect our nice cars, trucks, and boats from blowouts, and scratches, please sign our petition so that we might be able to show there is an interest in the problems getting fixed. People pay tremendous amounts of money for these items & it's sad for them to be ruined by hitting a pothole or getting a scratch on it. Their value decreases, not to mention the price of new tires & rims.
Now that we have a fire station they need quick access for the tanker truck to load water for local fires and the rescue boat for water rescue, there is now way they can travel more than 5 mph to keep from missing all the pot holes delaying the rescues or possibility of loosing a structure & more importantly a LIFE! Every second counts!
Thank you!