Windgate Meadows Sound Barrier Request
We, the residents of Windgate Meadows, located off Bardstown Road in Fern Creek, Kentucky respectfully request the State of Kentucky to construct a sound barrier wall along I-265 from Bardstown Road to Billtown Road. With the rapid growth of population in our area, the noise from I-265 has increased dramatically. Bardstown Road is being expanded to accommodate the new South Pointe Commons Mall that will be located off Wingfield Drive, that backs up to Windgate Meadows. Also, with increased population comes the increase in robberies to our homes. Several homes and cars have been vandalized as many as three times in the last two years. Thieves climb the existing fence or knock out boards to gain access to our neighborhood. We would like to be pro-active and obtain a sound barrier wall before more expansion in our neighborhood occurs. There are several sound barrier walls along I-265, along Preston Highway, with no homes located behind. Also, on the other side of I-265 opposite Windgate Meadows (south side) there is a sound barrier wall with no homes behind it. We take pride in our homes and want to keep our property values up and feel a sound barrier wall would help with the overall development of the area. Thank you for your consideration. Neighbors of Windgate Meadows