Save Will Richards Art Studio Catalina Island
Will Richards 0

Save Will Richards Art Studio Catalina Island

160 signers. Add your name now!
Will Richards 0 Comments
160 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are an art studio, historic landmark, caretakers of many wild and migratory birds, botanical oasis on Catalina Island, creating an art studio for 34 years. Created by using all recycled materials, hosting many tourists who find us the highlight of their visit to Catalina Island. Now a developer wishes to create a road through Will Richards Art Studio. We need help from Audibon Society, Historical Society of California, Endangered and Endemic Studies of the Channel Islands, tell everyone to help Will Richards save his art studio from being scraped off the hillside.


This petition is sponsored by people who love Catalina Island and the history preserved within the art studio Will has created. We wish to band together to stop such travesties from persons not understanding what this studio represents to so many. A premier artist of 34 years scraped off the hill How could this happen Friends of START Save The Art!

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