Wild About Willy

We're all wild about Willy (or Willeee$ha) here as a Lake Highlands community. We as Wildcats want to spread more school spirit and have fun this next 2017-2018 year. I along with my peers, teachers, parents, and administrators are proposing that we have a 9th grade mascot. We've began raising funds and sought a donor to help pay for any costume expenses. Extra proceeds will be contributed to the Wildcat Club.
By having a 9th grade mascot, it can boost sales and the amount of people at Freshman games. As Mascot at Lake Highlands Junior High I have been told that many people came to the games to see me (the mascot) dance around and interact with the crowd and keep them pumped for the games. So many people love seeing a mascot at games and come to enjoy the experience of a game and the spirit shown by the cheerleaders AND the mascot. There is no worry about not having anyone tryout, because I don't think I would be petitioning this if I didn't want to do mascot, plus I have friends who would want to try out too.
We hope to see a Freshman Wildcat mascot this 2017-2018 year. Keep in mind, "Once a Wildcat, Always a Wildcat", even for mascots! Thank you so much for reading and taking to consideration my proposal. Gooooo Wildcats!
-Willeee$ha (Chloe Willis) 8th grade LHJH Mascot