Make Nintendo change Wii back to Revolution
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Over a year ago, Nintendo described to us a mysterious new console it codenamed the \"Revolution.\" The name was evocative, sleek, and edgy. It promised us a future in which our preconceptions of gaming would be overturned. All were understandably excited. Now it\'s been officially named the \"Wii,\" complete with a pronounciation guide and essay. This is problematic from many viewpoints. Imagine inviting friends over to play with your Wii. Consider telling your other that you need a Wii. We who sign this petition believe that the new \"Wii\" name should be changed back to the \"Revolution\" to the benefit of all concerned. In addition, we vow to call Nintendo\'s new console the Revolution until they invent a better name.
A concerned individual
Official notification: http://revolution.nintendo.com/