Save Co. Wicklow Youth Clubs & Youth Services
The youth sector has received significant cuts as part of Government austerity measures. These cuts have been disproportionate and are having a devastating impact on youth services in Co. Wicklow. Current voluntary youth clubs and youth services in Co. Wicklow are struggling to survive and are at a real risk of being lost due to continued budget cuts. Young people need a voice and need support; youth clubs and youth services perform a vital task in engaging young people and encouraging them to be positive and active members of our towns, communities and schools etc. These clubs and services provide young people with information, support, opportunities and new skills; they challenge young people in a positive way and help them achieve goals. These services are hugely worth while and need saving. We need your help, please sign our petition to show your support to Save Co. Wicklow Youth Clubs & Youth Services! Please sign and get others to sign too! <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />