WI 4 Bernie Sign Me Up
I am signing up to help the WI for Bernie Organizing Committee help Sen. Bernie Sanders win the WI Presidential Primary, Tuesday, April 5, 2016!
I will help do what I can in my home town to help Bernie win April 5th!
We need progressive change* in America! We feel Bernie is the person who can help bring about that change.
Have YOU made your decision yet? We invite you to help us organize our state to help Senator Bernie Sanders win the WI Democratic Presidential Primary.
Sign up now!! We'll put you in the loop for how to create action in your community! All signers will automatically be put on the WI and national Bernie Sanders email lists.
To win we need to build small teams across the state. YOU can be a team of one. Then build from there. We will help YOU do that. This is a grass roots campaign to create new or strengthen the grass roots political change efforts you may already be involved with. We want to help you use the Sanders campaign to build a stronger progressive group where you live that will be permanent - not a fly by night political campaign that disappears after the election is over.
It is up to you! You have to push and fight for change in your community to affect the rotten political system in our state and nation.
Join us! We will try to help give you some ideas and tools for organizing your community. But YOU have to do it. No one can do it for you. We are just a small team and the state is too big.
And because we are working with the Sanders national campaign we will have little money. We are NOT a political action committee (PAC) so we will not have the ability to raise money for our operation.
We just started organizing in late June - so much work is to be done and only you can help do it.
Thank you!
Members of the WI for Bernie Organizing Committee
* Progressive Change: Here is what Sanders is targeting:
- Get big money out of politics
- Deal with obscene wealth and income inequality
- Combat climate change
- Make college education affordable