Bryn Florence 0

Why not synchro 2022

49 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Bryn Florence 0 Comments
49 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Synchronized skating is a groingnot only in Canada but in the world. It's not a common sport that every one knows and often gets over looked. It deserves to be in the Olympics because it is a great sport to watch and teaches skaters disciplin and teamwork. It will show evhow much fun it is. It will reward all the blood, sweat, tears and time that everyone put into this sport. We will no longer have to describe our sport as the synchronized swimming on ice, because the general public will see firsthand the unique sport we love.

Synchronized skaters aren't just expected to perform the same quality of deep edges and sharp turns as athletes in other skating categories, they are also expected to track multiple teammates in order to maintain their shape, spacing and positioning, as well as match all arm and free leg positions. Its every young athletes dream to participate in the Olympics, although for Synchronized skaters that has not been possible. Help make this dream come true for many of us Synchronized skating lovers all over the world.

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