Whitby Smoke-Free Playing Fields
I support outdoor playing fields where smoke-free living is the expectation and no one (especially our children) is exposed to second-hand smoke. Repeatedly, research has confirmed that youth are influenced by their adult role models. We need to role model tobacco-free living, especially at our sporting events, for our children's sakes. Can any one of us NOT want this for our children While many parents who do smoke are very considerate and sit downwind at the end of the field, their actions are still evident to our children. The World Health Organization endorses Tobacco Free Sports (http://www.wpro.who.int/NR/rdonlyres/2AF69E1C-6B23-4476-BD5B-6FFA1752DBC9/0/TFS_manual.pdf) and more and more communities across Canada are embracing this initiative. Tobacco has no part of a healthy lifestyle. In order to promote healthy lifestyles through sport, we, the undersigned, as Whitby residents, support prohibiting smoking at all outdoor playing fields in Whitby.