WHIN MCCS Renewal and Grade Level Expansion Support

I am a parent, grandparent, or caregiver of a child at WHIN Music Community Charter School and request that WHIN be granted a five year renewal term and an expansion into Middle School (grades 6-8).
My family has been very pleased with the academic, music, and socio-emotional program WHIN offers and believe the school represents a unique, high-quality, and necessary program for our community.
As a small school I feel very connected to the WHIN staff. Their focus on supporting me as a parent as well my family and community is deeply felt by all that are within the WHIN world. They are accessible, thoughtful, and very communicative.
Due to the unique nature of WHIN's music and academic program I do not believe there is a Middle School in CSD6 that would allow my Childs continued success after 5th grade. As such, please approve the charter expansion request so WHIN can grow in a K-8 school.
In short, I fully support and endorse WHIN Music Community Charter School's full renewal an expanstion to Middle School.