WHHS - Against Uniform Changes 2011/12

This petition has been set up because the uniform changes for Waseley are ridiculously priced and unnecessary. There a number of parents that are unhappy with the decision the school has made on their behalf (without consultation)! The local school suppliers are also suffering financially because of this. The new supplier is located in Sheffield. This will not help our local economy. Hopefully, together, we can make the school see sense and reverse their decision. Approximately £60-£65 per child for the compulsory logo items imposed by the school at a time when parents are struggling financially? In addition, 80 years of school history destroyed, it's disgraceful. Your opinion does count, please make yourself heard. PARENTS TO SIGN PETITION ONLY PLEASE. We need your support. We can make a difference, let's do something about it. Thank you. Another petition here: Waseley Hills - Against Uniform Change - www.gopetition.com