What is the future of LACHSA's Cinematic Arts department?

As the parents of students in the LACHSA Cinematic Arts department, we are concerned about the last-minute transition of leadership happening in the department. On June 10, Jon Artigo detailed his vision for the department in the year ahead, including requirements for students, accountability for teachers, and goals for parents. With Jon's departure, we - as parents - are concerned that we have not heard an equally detailed vision for the year ahead from the LACHSA administration. We, the undersigned, have the following questions for LACHSA and LACOE administrators:
1. What is the status of the search for a new Cinematic Arts/Visual Arts chairperson? Who will be running the Cinematic Arts department when school starts next month?
2. Does LACHSA have the additional Cinematic Arts teaching staff in place that it needs to move forward with the 2017-18 school year? If not, when will they be hired?
3. How will the Cinematic Arts department and LACHSA ensure that the curriculum laid out in the June 10 meeting is implemented and the accountability of the teacher is met in each class?
4. Who will be producing the student film festivals at LACHSA this year, and will that schedule go ahead as planned at the June 10 meeting?
5. Anticipating a loss of financial contributions by Cinematic Arts parents and friends to LACHSA due to the way that Mr. Artigo's employment was handled, what will the LACHSA administration do to rebuild a sense of trust and optimism for the department from community? Cinematic Arts parents contributed to the Arts High Foundation at a greater rate than parents in any other department last year, and parental contributions and festival income provided a significant influx of money to the school and department - income that the school cannot afford to lose.
6. What is the administration's plan to provide emotional support to students who will have to deal with the loss of a beloved teacher, leader and mentor? Will the school provide grief counseling to students who need it? How will students be told of its availability and their confidence protected should they choose use it?
7. Finally, what is the administration's plan to create greater transparency about the department's leadership and direction going forward, so that we never again encounter a situation such as this - where a department chairperson's position was eliminated and a replacement position created with no parents being informed before candidates have been solicited and interviews scheduled?