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What is happening?

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What is Happening?

By SeongMin and Haadiya

I believe that boys and girls can be equal. The fact is that girls are not treated like boys. Sure boys are mostly stronger than girls but it’s not like girls can’t fight back. Everybody knows that there is gender inequality around the world. Did you know there is such thing as a gender stereotype. One is boys are allowed play and explore but girls should stay at or sometimes near home. Women are in charge of watching kids being pregnant. In fact almost 300,000 women died in 2013 from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. I think that stopping gender inequality is really good idea.

To begin with there are so many rules over women for example, in Saudi Arabia women are arrested for driving but, recently the government announced girls will be allowed to drive in June 2018. It seems to me that sometimes girls get marry early. In fact about 15 million girls a year are married under 18. Actually each minute, 28 girls are married before they are ready.
We all know that girls work in some countries but even they work full time they only earn 77% of what boys earn.

I strongly believe that if all women had primary education there would be 15% fewer children deaths. If all women had secondary education child death would cut in half saving 3 million lives. In some countries women are not allowed to work the rate for unemployed rate of women is 34% but for men 7%. At least some companies are trying to help. In fact 30% of the world’s researchers are women. Google has a program to inspire the next generation of tech innovators, learn how to help girls gain exposure to careers in science and technology.

To further support my point more than 41 million people around the world are forcibly displaced as a resort of conflict and persecution. Half of all refugees are women. Zainab Salbi founded women for women international to help women in war-torn countries build their own futures. For some time it was hard for girls for example In 2015 there were only 21 female heads of state in the entire world because no one thought women could lead. Lots of things are done good or bad because like school 63 million girls still need to go to school.

I hope I have convinced you that there is gender inequality in the world and it needs to stop. If I have sign my petition. If you want to learn more go here https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/contentshocking-facts-gender-inequality-international-wom/ or https://www.makers.com/blog/21-facts-you-never-knew-about-international-gender-inequality

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