stop japan whaling in our waters
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it has recently come to every ones attention that japan has asked our governments permission to hunt humback whales in our antarctic waters. at this stage they kill about 400 minke whales a year. this has recently been changed to 440, both species. our government has diplomatically said that they dont agree with the request , but if a naval ship( or other australian vessel) approches the whaling vessel they will basically be ignored.in the last 20 years( since japan has been banned from humpbacks, there numbers have gone from 100 to 4000. i would like everones help to stop them killing these beutiful creatures or any breed of whale. i will be personally sending these results to Hideaki ueda,the japanese ambassador in australia.
my name is tina im 23 and im an individual trying to stop them from wiping out a species. my e-mail adress is born_2_dance81@hotmail.com.au i would love to any of your thoughs on the matter and will send them along with the petition to the ambassador.
http:/www.dailytelegraph.com.au has set up a link where you can e-mail your opinion and they will forward it to the ambassador. they also have the full story.