Let Frankie Derosa Stay At NWSA

Dear Mr.Derosa, This is a petition started by Oscar Diaz and Ariel Clayborn. NWSA isn't just a school, it's where Frankie has made his high school memories and it would be wrong to tear him away for his last yr. My name is Diaz and it wouldn't feel right if I didn't walk across the stage right after him at graduation.Speaking personally he is my best friend and has always been there for me and he is such a blessing. He makes me a better musician, he is such an inspiration that I talked about him in my berklee app. He is the person that means the most to me and it would hurt me so much if he was taken away from NWSA. He saved my life. Once I runaway and called him and he calmed me down and a few minutes after we got off the phone I was gonna jump in front of a car but didn't because I thought about what he said to me. He turns on a lamp in a dark room for me. This is only one example of the change he makes in people. I realize such a petition is unheard off but I am desparate and I am willing to do whatever to make sure he stays. He is a part of NWSA. Even members of NW's faculty are distraught on hearing that he's not coming back. He brings so much to classroom whether it's history or recital. He recieves Symphony training and has great potentional to network at NWSA and it looks great on college to come from an arts school. I for example have gotten a job at the Charlotte Symphony and have met famous composers and my compositions gained the respect of top musicans through NWSA's connections. No other school offers chamber music training. Here he can take classes that aren't available at Butler and he will recieve a musical expierence like none other. Berklee, where we both are aspiring to go has connections with NWSA and it will look really good as well. Sure the transportation is a hassle but he found a solution with the help of people at NWSA. We all WANT him here. Please don't take away his senior year from him, whatever the reason may be. He deserves to ride this journey out till the end. There isn't a better school in Charlotte for him to finish his senior year. This is where he found his passion, where he has grown and where he should finish. He needs us and we need him. With Hope, Oscar and NWSA