Westlake Elementary Parking
There are approximately 5-6 20 minute parking spaces at Westlake. Another 15-20 if that for regular parking. Half of which are STAFF parking. Then fire lanes, and loading and unloading zones. $25.00-30.00 tickets are being issued for stepping out of your car in a loading zone. I would much rather give my money to the school then for a ticket. Tickets are being issues for parking on certain streets. You can not access the church by turning right on High due to road construction. I think that the 20-30 staff should park on the top level of the church which would free up parking for the parents, for the injured, the mothers with babies and/or 3-4 children. So we can attend conferences without worries. I have worked in many government offices which must park on the street and pay the meter to allow customers to use their parking lots. For example the Santa Cruz Superior Court house. NEW INFORMATION : Please go to the Westlake Website. Go to Annoucements. The 3rd entry states STAFF can get permits to park ALL DAY in the upper church parking lot.