An Open Letter to Governor Mitt Romney from the members of ConservAmerica.
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Dear Governor Romney:
Congratulations on your formal nomination to be our party’s candidate for President of the
United States of America.
Our party owns a tremendous conservation legacy, ranging from Abraham Lincoln’s
preservation of Yosemite to George W. Bush’s creation of the world’s largest marine reserves.
Yet, in recent years, our party has become known as the anti-science and anti-environment party.
WE NEED A LEADER who will change that perception.
Ronald Reagan’s conservative advisor Russell Kirk said, “Nothing is more conservative than
conservation.” WE NEED A LEADER who will restore that conservative value to our party.
Republicans gave this nation its most cherished environmental laws. Today, we face a new set of
issues that threaten our way of life. WE NEED A LEADER who will embrace science and put
forward conservative solutions to those problems.
Natural gas, nuclear energy, solar, and wind are cleaner, here, now. WE NEED A LEADER
who will make America the global arsenal of cleaner, sustainable energy, creating thousands of
new jobs, and spurring billions of dollars in new investment.
We are Republicans and conservatives from all walks of life, from every corner of this beautiful
land. WE NEED A LEADER who will restore our Party’s great conservation legacy. WE NEED
A LEADER who understands the legacy we owe to future generations. WE NEED YOU TO BE
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